Exclusive Individual Accident Policy
As a smart consumer you probably already realize that Major Medical Insurance isn’t going to cover all of your expenses if you get hurt. You also realize that “accidents happen”.
So whether you have:
• Active kids
• Work at a dangerous occupation
• Have a clumsy spouse
• Know someone who recently had a trip to the ER for a “freak accident"
Or you are...
• Curious about what exactly Accident Insurance is
You are in the right place!
Lufkin Benefit Solutions Enhanced Benefits General Agency has partnered with one of the most respected insurance companies in the country. A+ rated Illinois Mutual has been in business for over 100 years (www.illinoismutual.com). LBS is partnering with Illinois Mutual to offer a world class Accident Insurance plan to individuals at rates typically reserved for businesses. Watch the video below to learn more about why you need Accident Insurance.
Click here to review rates and coverage options. Like what you see? Great! You can complete your application online in less than 5 minutes, just follow the prompts. If you have any questions about coverage, cost, or anything else you can call one of our Accident Insurance Specialists at 515.986.2064.